The Fully Wired Electronics Dual Passive Mult (DPM) is a 18HP passive mult, which features two individual 1 Input, 4 Output mult circuits. The DPM is great for making quick and easy copies of all signal types, without having any current draw.
All Fully Wired Electronics modules come with Aluminum front panels and Knurlies for mounting. All FWE 1U modules come with both interchangable Intellijel and Pulplogic 1U panels.
- 1U
Two Individual 1 Input, 4 Output Mults
Includes interchangable Intellijel and Pulplogic 1U front panels
Includes 4 Knurlies
Dual Passive Mult (1U)
SKU: DPM-1U-V1-22
Format - 1U (Intellijel and PulpLogic)
HP - 18HP
Depth - 32mm
Active/Passive - Passive
+12v - N/A
-12v - N/A
+5v - N/A
Includes 4 Knurlies